Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Our trip to KL was too short!!! IT ENDED IN A FLASH! hahah
we did not have enough of PARTYING i guess. Plus partying was even better when noises such as FARTING,SNORING AND WHISTLING were heard! hahahaha

We will really miss our seniors-gen, sonia, cassandra, KESHIA(spell it correctly people), maria and TABI(ah BIIIIIII)!!! we hope u like our gifts made with the most sincerity u can ever get!

oh yeah, thanks beloved shazlin, dearest sheryl, natesha, melissa, liana and tabi for getting me that present! IM SO TOUCHED! hehe
N regarding the above message shazlin posted, we are collecting S$4 (not ringgit) from everyone k(:

Monday, November 19, 2007

Training tomorrow without our captain.
We all do babe:)

F.Y.I. , the KC Netball is going to start having a netball fund. So everyone is to bring "ching-ching". The money will be for miscellaneous(spell?) things. Eg, netball team shirt, banners, whistles, etc.

That's all folks.
Tata for now!:)

Friday, November 9, 2007


today's training was tiring as we started out running a round around VJC and two rounds around our school canal! Followed by our usual warm-ups and conditioning, we started on our enriching and fun-filled training!! hahaha
Im glad everyone is now familiarised and enjoying our training with coach julie(: the team ball drills and games really allow us to know our teammates better. OF COURSE, we ended with our favourite part of the training!! hehe-we could play our long-awaited full court game!
Yes, that was it and our training ended. IM SO HAPPY! (: