Saturday, July 26, 2008

next year:
Captain- Jasmine Soo
Vice-captain: Debra Lim
Secretary: SueYuan
Treasurer: Glenda Yap

Captain: Ria
Vice-captain: Yasmyn Fong

Let us all work as a team and bring some glory to the SCHOOL!
Hello All:)
Debra here.

I just would like to inform everyone that we will be staying back on the coming thursday to do the notice board.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fight KC, FIGHT.

Dear KC Netballers,
Although it might be over now,
you all still have upcoming years to prove to yourself,
and others,
what you all can do.
Trust me.
Start now,
or you will regret it.

My team mate once told me when i was down,
"We still have the next game. DON'T GIVE UP"
And as she walked away,
I said to myself,
"I never did."

There's no "i" in teamwork.
Work as a team.
Fight as a team.
No matter how frustrating it is,
keep fighting.
Everyone make mistakes.
Should anyobody make a mistake on court,
everyone should fight back for that ball.
A true KC Netballer should always have the fighting spirit within.
A true KC Netballer should always fight hard.
A true KC Netballer should never give up.

The battle has just begun.

Netball is not just our passion.
It's our LIFE.

Learn, fight, win.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008


HEY! FYI, we have our jerseys and netball tee ready already! However, we have some people who are not cooperative and have not paid up!!!! YES, if u want to collect your shirts, pls bring $10 (ching-ching) for those who have not paid up!! (:


" The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist."

Sunday, December 30, 2007

OK, we have met up with some problems in making our netball t-shirt. As we are unable to get a yellow shirt, we will be getting a blue shirt with white fonts! SORRY ABOUT THE CHANGE, THERE ISNT MUCH CHOICE! yupp, we hope everyone doesnt mind the change!!

P.S, the seniors will be re-designing the notice board! whoever wants to volunteer to help, FEEL FREE TO!! Call and tell ALVINA. thanks a lot.
''There is no strength without unity''

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Our trip to KL was too short!!! IT ENDED IN A FLASH! hahah
we did not have enough of PARTYING i guess. Plus partying was even better when noises such as FARTING,SNORING AND WHISTLING were heard! hahahaha

We will really miss our seniors-gen, sonia, cassandra, KESHIA(spell it correctly people), maria and TABI(ah BIIIIIII)!!! we hope u like our gifts made with the most sincerity u can ever get!

oh yeah, thanks beloved shazlin, dearest sheryl, natesha, melissa, liana and tabi for getting me that present! IM SO TOUCHED! hehe
N regarding the above message shazlin posted, we are collecting S$4 (not ringgit) from everyone k(:

Monday, November 19, 2007

Training tomorrow without our captain.
We all do babe:)

F.Y.I. , the KC Netball is going to start having a netball fund. So everyone is to bring "ching-ching". The money will be for miscellaneous(spell?) things. Eg, netball team shirt, banners, whistles, etc.

That's all folks.
Tata for now!:)